Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ghost of Summer

Ellipses are troublesome even for the most experienced of ellipsists.

Above: A couple returning to San Francisco on BART late at night. I wish I'd had time to throw some tone on it.
Below: Bonus Summer Drawing!

I drew this on a scrap of paper at a cafe in June when I was inbetween sketchbooks. I hated the drawing at the time but figured someone else might like it so I signed it, took a picture of it with my phone for posterity and left it on a table for whoever. I forgot the drawing had ever existed until I found the photo on my computer last week and I actually like it now. I wonder whatever became of the orginal?


RAWLS said...

These are great Char!!

Charlene Fleming said...

Thanks, Rawls! Wow, hardly anyone has called me Char since high school. I like! ^_^

rebbaz royee said...

HEY Charlene!!! I really like the handling of paint, especially the tree. Niiaaeeeece!

C.B. Canga said...

hi charlene,

it was good meting you as well. amazing work here. i'll come back to check on you blog.

i'll add you to my link list, and i'll hit you up on facebook as well.

hopefully i'll see you at the next crawl.

Charlene Fleming said...

Thanks so much, guys!

Rebbaz, your work is looking better and better... every time I visit your blog, you've improved! Hope everything is well with you.

C.B., thanks for the link! You're added to mine, as well. Yeah, I'm definitely a go for the next crawl too. :D

C.Deboda said...

Some cool sketchbook pages here! Nice idea leaving behind random sketches at random places...might worth a try. :)

Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon this quite accidentally. I really like what you're doing here. Thanks for the entertainment!