The following drawings were not from SketchCrawl and I actually don't like them all that much. I still haven't replaced my dead grey Tombow markers and the values are all crusty and indecisive-looking. Normally, I would lay down the marker tones in as few strokes as I could but there's no way to represent the values with only one live, dark grey marker and a few dead, light ones. I'm going to have to request, like, an entire shoebox filled with grey Tombows of varying values for Christmas because I go through them so fast and I haven't been able to find them in stores for a while.
Above: These are all BART riders. I like the two men at the bottom of the spread. The one on the left was wearing the most precious holiday sweater. It looked like a bonafide grandma-knitted sweater and he was wearing it without a hint of irony and it was great.
I've been working on proposals for the art book I mentioned. I really don't want to have to go the self-publishing route this time. I just want to design the book and get it off my plate, at this point, because I'm anxious to get back to the graphic novel. Proposals should be done this week and then... waiting, I guess. Gotta get back to "Rogues & Robbers".